Tutor Orial
Tutor Orial, a hypothetical tutor agency, specializes in finding fun and friendly tutors that help students learn.
The brief was to redesign their confusing sign-up flow.
Figma prototype ↗
(coming soon!)
Project timeline
8 weeks
Problem discovery
Competitive research
User interviews and testing
UX/UI design
Solo project
Tutor Orial, a hypothetical tutor agency, has an online sign-up flow that is confusing and as a result, has low completion rates.
How can I redesign the sign-up flow so it offers a better user experience and helps retain customers?
To discover problems and opportunity areas with the sign-up flow, I conducted a heuristic analysis and an adjacent industry audit in order to rapidly identify low hanging fruit.
This method also allowed me to inspect potential issues and problem areas without having to dig deep (just yet) into the practicality of conducting user surveys.
Main issues identified with the existing sign-up form:
Low visibility of system status
Low to no user control / freedom
Low to no error prevention
Sign-up flow is not in a logical order